Posted June 10, 2014 by amy9101 in kwmma

Polish MMA Federation: the interview


Polish MMA Federation: the interview

Published on 05 June 2014

As we mentioned earlier, Poland joined the WMMAA family and we couldn’t miss the opportunity of introducing the Federation to the world. Why did you decide to join WMMAA? The reason why we decided to join WMMAA is simple – it’s development of our organisation. It’s the best time to reach outside our country, with great management we’ve got and lots of contacts with the world’s biggest federations it’s the best time for Polish MMA to establish wider range based on membership in WMMAA. Also we’ve been asked to set international range for amateur MMA in Poland. So this was basicly main reason to join WMMAA. How would you assess MMA and its development in Poland? Like we said it’s the best time for Polish MMA – many pro organizers growing their business right now, there are more fighters everyday. But we are still working on rules and quality of events – not all of them are safe for fighters – and this is the area where we would like to work on. We hope that with WMMAA we will get much closer to provide background of rules and standarts for organisers of events.

When was your organisation founded and what are the main goals?
It’s the fourth year of our operations with all legal requirements but all together we do cooperate much longer. The main goal is development of Polish MMA inside and outside of our country.
How do you intend to cooperate with WMMAA?In every area possible. For now we would like to focus on organizing events in Poland such as eliminations for Worlds, European or Internal Polish Championships. We would like to organize the Final of European Championships in 2015. We are also interested in Trainers and Judges (Referees) courses and certifications. We’ve got many ideas and hopefully WMMAA will consider them.
Krzysztof Bankowski - president of our organisation, accomplished sportsman, long traditions and great experienced martial arts trainer, activist, founder of one of first MMA club in Poland, organizer of 11 MMA events, long time east MMA organisations partner.
Other members of the Federation:

Andrew Wiśniowski – Vice-president, business partner, owner of the RSC Studio – stage technology (sound, lights and constructions), experienced events organiser, also with lots of sport traditions and knowledge. Damian Martin Ossoliński – Personal Development Trainer, MMA&Sports Manager, Promotour. Experienced with negotiations, all economic, logistic and psychological aspects of business and sport events. Great relations with fighters, trainers, matchmakers, managers and owners almost of all World MMA Organizations. Polish Federation of Mixed Martial Arts Associations “Spartacus MMA” Address of Federation: 35-011 Rzeszow 2 Pulaskiego street office/apartment No:9a telephone: +48 17 86 23 690 Fax: +48 17 86 23 690 Web-site: MMARzeszow.pl E-mail: mmarzeszow@gmail.com, spartakusrzeszow@gmail.com